
,TheRateofRespirationinplantsismainlydependedontheamountofsunlightitreceivesinadayanditvarieswiththedifferentpartsofplants.,由BMO'Leary著作·2019·被引用138次—Ratesofplantrespirationvarygreatlyinnatureandagricultureacrossallscalesofmeasurement.Forexample,atthewholeplantlevel, ...,TocalculatetherateofCO2producedperminuteweneedtodividethevolumeofCO2producedbythetimeittooktoproducethatvolumeofCO2.,...

Study Of Rate Of Respiration In Various Parts of the Plant.

The Rate of Respiration in plants is mainly depended on the amount of sunlight it receives in a day and it varies with the different parts of plants.

Core principles which explain variation in respiration across ...

由 BM O'Leary 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 138 次 — Rates of plant respiration vary greatly in nature and agriculture across all scales of measurement. For example, at the whole plant level, ...

Calculating rates of respiration

To calculate the rate of CO2 produced per minute we need to divide the volume of CO2 produced by the time it took to produce that volume of CO2.

Predicting Plant Growth Rates From Dark Respiration Rates

由 BN Smith 著作 · 被引用 12 次 — Dark respira- tion rates measured by microcalorimetry, infrared gas analysis. (CO2), or oxygen electrodes are strongly correlated with growth rate for desert ...

Plant Respiration and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 ...

由 MA GONZALEZ-MELER 著作 · 2004 · 被引用 178 次 — Annually, terrestrial plant respiration releases 40–60 % of the total carbon fixed during photosynthesis (Gifford, 1994; Amthor, 1995) representing about half ...

Natural variation of respiration-related traits in plants

由 M Bulut 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 7 次 — Plant respiration represents one of the greatest global metabolic fluxes with respiration rates typically being 40%–60% of the rate of carbon assimilation (the ...

Basics of Plant Respiration

2016年12月5日 — The same principle applies to plants, as temperature at night increases, the respiration rate increases and consequently temperature increases.

Measuring the respiration rate of plants, fruit and vegetables

First; you need to measure their respiration rates, for example with our Versaperm plant respiration monitor system which allows you to measure the rates of ...